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JWT - Generating JWT token from scratch and using Jsonwebtoken library
- Authors
- Name
- Saikrishna Reddy
Ever wondered how jsonwebtoken generates JWT in the backend ?. Below code shows you how this library or any other library generates a token using nodejs native cryto module. This is not exactly how these libraries generates but this gives you an idea.
Here, I will be using asymmetric key cryptography algorithm - RSA(Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman)
i.e., In normal you might have seen applications using single key to sign and verify JWT token which is a symmetric cryptography algorithm.
Here, I have used RSA alogoritm to sign JWT token with private key and public key to verify the token.
NOTE : This will be updated with more info. Stay tuned!.
More information you can find in the comments inside the code files.
Before moving, you need keypair to make code work. So to generate a pair use below code.
const crypto = require('crypto')
const fs = require('fs')
* This module will generate a public and private keypair and save to current directory
* Make sure to save the private key elsewhere after generated!
function genKeyPair() {
const keyPair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync('rsa', {
modulusLength: 4096, //bits - standart for rsa
publicKeyEncoding: {
type: 'pkcs1', // "Public key cryptography standards 1"
format: 'pem', //most common formatting choice
privateKeyEncoding: {
type: 'pkcs1', // "Public key cryptography standards 1"
format: 'pem', //most common formatting choice
//create the public key file
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/id_rsa_pub.pem', keyPair.publicKey)
//create the private key file
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/id_rsa_private.pem', keyPair.privateKey)
module.exports = genKeyPair
Generating from scratch :
* This file has the code to generate JWT from scratch and verify it using native nodejs modules
* This is actually what happens inside libraries like jsonwebtoken
* jsonwebtoken library abtract all this implementation and provides a simple way to do it.
* Here, we are using asymmetric key alogorithm (RSA).
* You need to generate private-public keys before continuing with this file.
* Use : cryptography > generateKeyPair.js to generate keypair add them inside this folder
const base64url = require('base64url')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const signatureFunction = crypto.createSign('RSA-SHA256')
const verifyFunction = crypto.createVerify('RSA-SHA256')
const fs = require('fs')
//-------------ISSUANCE OF JWT---------------//
const headerObj = {
alg: 'RS256',
typ: 'JWT',
const payloadObj = {
sub: '1234567890',
name: 'Saikrishna Reddy',
iat: 1516239022,
const headerObjString = JSON.stringify(headerObj)
const payloadObjString = JSON.stringify(payloadObj)
const base64UrlHeader = base64url(headerObjString)
const base64UrlPayload = base64url(payloadObjString)
signatureFunction.write(base64UrlHeader + '.' + base64UrlPayload)
const PRIVATE_KEY = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/id_rsa_private.pem', 'utf8')
const signatureBase64 = signatureFunction.sign(PRIVATE_KEY, 'base64')
const signatureBase64Url = base64url.fromBase64(signatureBase64)
* three variables : must be same (left side are while issuance and right side vars are while verifcation) for jwt to be verified
* base64UrlHeader = headerInBase64UrlFormat
* base64UrlPayload = payloadInBase64UrlFormat
* signatureBase64Url = signatureInBase64UrlFormat
console.log('Signature in base 64 url encoded is : ', signatureBase64Url)
//-------------VERIFICATION OF JWT---------------//
* to get the JWT :
* - go to https://jwt.io/
* - change the algorithm to RS256
* - change the payload as > payloadObj
* - add private and public key inside verify signature section in the website.
const JWT =
const jwtInParts = JWT.split('.')
const [
] = jwtInParts
verifyFunction.write(headerInBase64UrlFormat + '.' + payloadInBase64UrlFormat)
const jwtSignatureBase64 = base64url.toBase64(signatureInBase64UrlFormat)
const PUBLIC_KEY = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/id_rsa_pub.pem', 'utf8')
const isSignatureValid = verifyFunction.verify(
console.log('Is token Valid ... ? : ', isSignatureValid)
Generating using library : jsonwebtoken
* same process using jsonwebtoken library
* this librariy provides lot of flexibility like giving an option to specify which alogorithm to use, you dont need to focus coversions (like base64 to base64url encoded) and many more.
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const fs = require('fs')
const PUBLIC_KEY = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/id_rsa_pub.pem', 'utf8')
const PRIVATE_KEY = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/id_rsa_private.pem', 'utf8')
const payload = {
sub: '1234567890',
name: 'Saikrishna Reddy',
iat: 1516239022,
//all we need to provide is payload, private key and algorithm. No coversions, no formatting.
const signedJWT = jwt.sign(payload, PRIVATE_KEY, { algorithm: 'RS256' })
//this above jwt need to send to the client so on every request client sends this token again to server in header. Server grabs the token from header then verifies it
// and in almost two lines we can verify wether the token is valid or not.
jwt.verify(signedJWT, PUBLIC_KEY, { algorithms: ['RS256'] }, (err, payload) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('Token verified')