
Where Ideas Go to Get Code'd:

Stuff I've Built (and Probably Broken) Along the Way

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Programmatical Interaction with defi protocal AAVE

Programmatical Interaction with defi protocal AAVE where you can Approve, Borrow, Repay (DAI/ETH) tokens. Deploy your own custom ERC20 token and play.


NFTS - ERC721, Random-IPFS-NFT, Dynamic-SVG-NFT

This project take you through creating three different type of NFTS. 1) Basic ERC721 NFT. 2. Unique NFT hosted on IPFS which is generated using randomness. 3. And a dynamic SVG NFT which is on-chain. For details, check the repo.


NFT Marketplace using Hardhat

A simple NFT markeplace contract where one can list, buy, update, cancel NFT in the markeplace and can also withdraw proceeds. More details on how to? inside the repo.
